Marieke Witvliet, born in Hoorn, The Netherlands, graduated in Medicine in 2006 at The University of Amsterdam. She started surgical training in 2008 in Amsterdam and Zaandam, which she finished in 2014. After the surgical training, she specialized in Pediatric Surgery, and was educated in Amsterdam and Groningen. And in 2017 she defended her thesis “Anorectal Malformations and Hirschsprung Disease: functional and psychosocial challenges”. A thesis focussed on quality of life of patient and their parents. She now works as a consultant in Pediatric Surgery in Utrecht and has a collaboration with the Radboud University in Nijmegen for the treatment of Pediatric Colorectal Surgery, especially Anorectal Malformations and Hirschsprung Disease. She has published several papers in international journals.
“I joined ARM-NET because it is amazing to be part of a team of clinicians, who are all so dedicated to treat patients with an anorectal malformation. Also, the fact that we create a database with large number of patients means that we can perform better research. It is our goal that this research and joined knowledge will improve the care of our patients.”